At Formento we are specialist in restoration at heights,with ropes and without scaffolds in order to intervene even when it would be too difficult or expensive with traditional techniques. Given this specialization we launched a new service: Restauro in Quota™.
Our operators are restorers and workers with specialized training for restoration at heights. They have acquired mountaineering techniques thanks to the collaboration with Iacco Morlotti, a specialist in this sector.
Our operators carry out restoration at heights under conditions of maximum security and in compliance with the related laws. All the staff members have the specific certification as Legislative Decree n° 81/2008 declares.
The restoration with ropes and without traditional scaffolds, has clear advantages, such as:
- Better investment of resources
- Reduction of bureaucracy
- Rapid and easy interventions
- Environmental protection
- Prior cost planning
The lack of rapid and inexpensive solutions causes more and more problems to ordinary monitoring and maintenance operations on artistic and architectural goods in our region.
The protection of our historical monuments and building is compromised and in case of extraordinary and urgent interventions costs increase
Through Restauro in Quota™ our operators can intervene in a focused and widespread way. It is a solution to improve the conservation conditions and to allow the protection of the good.